High Court Blocks Tshabangu’s Madness


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Tshabangu, who claims to be the secretary general of the opposition outfit, has caused bloodletting in the country`s largest opposition party over the past few weeks.

DT Correspondent

HARARE: The High Court of Zimbabwe on Tuesday brought relief to Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) after it temporarily ordered Sengezo Tshabangu to stop recalling more councillors and legislators.

Tshabangu, who claims to be the secretary general of the opposition outfit, has caused bloodletting in the country`s largest opposition party over the past weeks.

In that regard, CCC filed an urgent chamber to interdict Speaker of National Assembly Jacob Mudenda, President of the Senate Mable Chinomona and Local Government Minister Winston Chitando not to take correspondents from Tshabangu.

Addressing journalists in the capital, CCC lawyer Obey Shava said Tshabangu should cease to recall lawmakers with immediate effect.

“Today we appeared before High Court Judge Justice (Tawanda Chitapi) and Sengezo Tshabangu sought for a postponement so that he has time and opportunity to file his opposing papers.

“In the interim, the High Court has suspended any further recalls pending the disposition and hearing of that urgent chamber application.

“This is what transpired in court today no more, further recalls pending the determination of the urgent chamber application.

“As you might be aware CCC as a political party sued Sengezo Tshabangu, it filed a summons on the 23rd of October 2023 interdicting him from purporting to be representing CCC in any forum and that action is still pending.

“In the meantime, he then issued some letter to the Speaker of Parliament Jacob Mudenda, President of the Senate Mable Chinomona and Local Government Minister Winston Chitando purportedly recalling some CCC members and that necessitated us to file an urgent chamber application interdicting everyone from affecting those recalls pending the determination of the main matter,” he said.

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