Digital Health Solution to Revolutionise Healthcare Access


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A groundbreaking digital health solution set to improve access to medication for thousands of people in African semi-rural areas is set to be unveiled on August 1, 2024.

Developed by Dr Esperance Luvindao, MENGA aims to bridge the healthcare gap between urban and rural populations by allowing patients to consult with doctors and access prescribed medication without physical visits.

The innovation, a product of years of research and development, has undergone successful testing and is poised for launch in Namibia, pending the finalisation of telemedicine legislation.

Dr Luvindao has also initiated discussions about MENGA’s rollout in other African countries.

MENGA operates through a user-friendly system that does not require internet access.

Patients can consult with doctors via a messaging platform and retrieve their medication from nearby MENGA stations using biometric or code identification.

The solution targets individuals aged between 1 and 50 residing in semi-rural and suburban areas.

Dr Luvindao emphasised the need for supportive legislation and policies to maximize the impact of digital health solutions.

While acknowledging concerns about reduced human interaction, she stressed the potential of telemedicine to augment healthcare services, benefiting both patients and medical professionals.

“Innovations like these speak to the need for legislation and policies that are forward thinking and meet the people at their point of need.

“Telemedicine has also aroused the debate on whether it removes the aspect of human contact however when approached from the aspect of augmentation as opposed to replacement, one may find that once we embrace digital health, it stands to benefit both patients and healthcare workers,” says Dr Luvindao

The launch of MENGA comes amid a healthcare crisis characterized by overcrowded hospitals and overworked medical staff.

The innovative platform offers a potential solution to these challenges by providing efficient and accessible healthcare services.

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