Bulawayo Businessman Faces Theft Charges


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A Bulawayo businessman, Mohamed Daka (47), has been accused of theft under Section 113 (1) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act Chapter 9:23.

Sheng AN Mining, a registered mining company based in Hope Fountain, Umguza, has pressed charges against Daka for allegedly attempting to seize control of the company’s assets.

According to the complaint, Daka, in collaboration with Dumisani Dube, planned to take over the mine despite Sheng AN Mining being a distinct entity from the former Fools Investments.

On February 3, 2022, the complainant officially changed its name from Fools Investments to Sheng AN Mining, as recorded by the Registrar of Companies in Bulawayo.

However, Daka allegedly approached the Master of the High Court in Bulawayo in April 2024, falsely placing the defunct Fools Investments under Corporate Rescue.

Dube was appointed as the Corporate Rescue practitioner on April 24, 2024. On May 2, 2024, Daka and Dube allegedly sold an orange excavator, valued at US$281,750, to Simba Dumbura of Mutare for US$150,000.

The excavator, leased to Sheng AN Mining from Rich Mark Zimbabwe, was intended to be permanently removed from the complainant’s control.

Police investigations led to the recovery of the stolen excavator on July 10, 2024, in Mutare. The excavator is now being used as evidence in the ongoing case.

Authorities have secured acknowledgements of receipt for the cash transaction, with Daka signing as a witness.

Witness statements confirm that the excavator did not belong to the now-defunct Fools Investments.

Daka was released on bail by Magistrate Shingi Mutiro after meeting the set conditions. The bail amount was set at US$500. Daka must remain at the address provided to the court and report to the ZRP’s Vehicle Theft Squad (VTS) twice a week.

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