Literature seminar empowers students from multiple schools


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Students from Irene Christian College (ICC), Tynwald High School, and Winwood College recently came together at the ICC campus in Marlborough for a literature seminar to enhance their understanding and skills in Literature in English exams.

The seminar, organised by ICC, focused on providing a comprehensive workshop to help students excel in their literature studies.

Attendees were divided into groups and tasked with preparing presentations on various aspects of the literature curriculum.

Teachers from the participating schools served as judges and facilitators, offering valuable feedback to help the students refine their comprehension and essay-writing abilities.

This collaborative event provided an excellent opportunity for the participants to share ideas, collaborate, and support each other. By doing so, they were equipped with the necessary tools to thrive in the demanding subject of Literature.

Irene Christian College emphasised the significance of such seminars, highlighting their role in empowering students with the essential skills and knowledge needed to succeed in their literature studies.

“Literature seminars like these are crucial for students as they provide a platform for collaborative learning, exchange of ideas, and valuable feedback from experienced teachers. Such events empower students with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their literature studies.”

The seminar’s success reflects the commitment of these educational institutions to foster a collaborative and supportive learning environment for their students, ultimately preparing them for academic excellence in the field of literature.

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