Millionaire Chivhayo Splurges on Young Sister, Presents Brand-New Merc C200, Promises Half A Million-Dollar Mansion


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Zimbabwean tycoon Sir Wicknel Chivhayo has once again made headlines by gifting his beloved sister, Glendour Kudzanayi Moyo, with a jaw-dropping 2024 MERCEDES BENZ C200 AMG.

This luxurious vehicle, worth a fortune, is a token of his admiration for her outstanding achievement of graduating from a prestigious American university.

But that’s not all! Chivhayo, known for his lavish lifestyle, has also promised Glendour a dazzling half-million-dollar mansion upon the completion of her master’s degree. Chivhayo spares no expense when it comes to showering his loved ones with opulence.

This awe-inspiring gesture follows closely on the heels of last week’s indulgence, where Chivhayo surprised his younger brother with another gleaming Mercedes Benz C200.

Not content with just that, he went above and beyond by acquiring a top-of-the-line vehicle for his two children.

Chivhayo’s unbridled generosity and the sheer magnitude of his gifts have left the world in awe.

Undoubtedly, his extravagant displays of affection continue to solidify his status as a true connoisseur of luxury and a beacon of inspiration for those around him.

He wrote on his Facebook post earlier today:

HALLO FRIDAY…Congratulations to you my amazing precious little sister GLENDOUR KUDZAYI MOYO @glenkuks …Now that I’ve finally received an official email from the University of Florida inviting me to your graduation early next month I say to you to go to EXQUISITE DEALERSHIP and PLEASE SEE VICTOR… Your brand spanking new 2024 MERCEDES BENZ C200 AMG is ready for collection. Well done on this remarkable achievement and remember whenever you decide to finish your master’s degree and graduate you’ll get a present of a house of your choice worth 500 thousand USD…I’m so proud of you and my tears drop because I know my Mother is smiling in heaven. She always said MUNO mwanangu by all means please make sure Glendour graduates…I’m so happy for you and let’s continue to ALWAYS GIVE THANKS AND PRAISE UP ABOVE… Mummy memories will never fade and your instructions will all be honoured, May your soul continue to rest in eternal peace my best friend forever and greatest pillar of strength ever

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