Former Cabinet Minister Disputes Temba Mliswa’s Ownership Claims in Muungwe Investments


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Harare, Zimbabwe – Former Cabinet Minister Didymus Mutasa has vehemently refuted claims made by Temba Mliswa regarding his ownership stake in Muungwe Investments, affirming that Mliswa’s assertions are false.

Mutasa maintains that he is the sole shareholder of Muungwe Investments, contradicting Mliswa’s recent statements.

Speaking at a press conference in Harare on Tuesday, Mliswa alleged that he held a 10 percent share in Muungwe Investments and accused Brobondo Private Limited, a land developer contracted by Muungwe Investments, of misrepresenting his resignation from the company.

However, Mutasa has categorically dismissed Mliswa’s claims, asserting that he alone holds ownership of Muungwe Investments.

While acknowledging that Mliswa and Mabel Dete were once board members of the company, Mutasa clarified that Dete resigned in 2017, and Mliswa followed suit in 2021.

According to Mutasa, he removed Mliswa from the directorship structure in February 2021 and issued a letter to inform him of the decision.

Mutasa emphasized that Mliswa did not contest the removal and did not participate in any aspect of Muungwe Investments’ business or attend any company meetings thereafter.

He further clarified that the agreement made in 2015, which stipulated that Mliswa and Dete would receive up to 30 percent of the company’s shares in exchange for their contributions to the land development, did not come into effect as the project had not commenced at that time.

The project only commenced in 2022 when Muungwe Investments engaged Brobondo Private Limited after Mliswa and Dete were no longer part of the board of directors.

Mutasa conclusively stated:

“The current directors of Muungwe Investments Private Limited are myself and Maivada Chikomba Mutasa.

“I removed Temba Mliswa from the directorship structure in February 2021.

“He did not challenge this removal, and he had no involvement in the company’s affairs or attendance at any meetings,” he said.

Mliswa’s claims have sparked controversy surrounding the Muungwe Royal Estate project, with allegations of fraudulent transactions and the involvement of law enforcement agents.

Brobondo Private Limited, the contracted land developer, has refuted Mliswa’s allegations and denied any fraudulent activities related to the project.

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