NetOne Expands Albinism Awareness Campaign to Midlands


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DT Correspondent

Midlands: – NetOne, Zimbabwe’s telecommunications giant, continues to make significant strides with its Albinism Campaign, an initiative aimed at raising awareness about the challenges faced by individuals with albinism.

The company has positioned itself as a national leader in corporate social responsibility and community-based projects, investing heavily in creating a sustainable future for all Zimbabweans.

This week, NetOne brought its campaign to Gokwe and Gweru, spreading awareness and extending a helping hand to the albinism community.

On Wednesday, NetOne hosted an awareness campaign at St Agnes Institution in Gokwe, followed by a similar event in Gweru on Thursday.

As part of the festivities, the company organized a mini luncheon with refreshments, spreading some Christmas cheer among the attendees.

The albinism community members present were also gifted with hats, lip balms, and sunscreen lotions, essential items for their protection against the sun’s harmful rays.

Gokwe, a community that has often been marginalised, welcomed NetOne’s presence and support.

The town’s name has unfortunately become synonymous with backwardness and marginalisation.

However, NetOne’s efforts are challenging such negative stereotypes, working to uplift marginalised communities and dispel societal stereotypes.

Mr Tendai Mutomba, the organiser of the event, expressed his gratitude towards NetOne for their unwavering support.

He acknowledged that few organizations are willing to work with the albinism community, making NetOne’s involvement all the more significant.

“It is not many organizations that want to work with us. NetOne has not only been supporting but they have also taken a step to do their own initiatives to support people with albinism. Help me ladies and gentlemen to thank NetOne Cellular for taking a positive step towards reaching out to marginalized communities,” concluded Mutomba gratefully.

The campaign in Gweru was a resounding success, marked by a lively atmosphere and a sense of celebration.

“We would like to thank NetOne for remembering us year in and year out. We feel warm because of the love that we get from NetOne. Our skin condition is not by choice and we thank NetOne for providing sunhats and sunscreen lotions to improve our health.

“Walking around and working is made easy for us as these creams provide protection against the scorching sun. We have so many of us that are suffering from screen cancer because of prolonged exposure to the sun without screen protection or sunhats”, said one Samantha, who lives with the condition.

“The awareness campaigns that the organization is running across the country are also part of the national mantra by President Mnangagwa of ‘Leaving No One or Place Behind.

“These campaigns are meant to fight stigma and societal stereotypes. Indeed, will not leave any place behind,” Raphael Mushanawani, NetOne Group Chief Executive Officer said in a communique.

“Our CSR strategy hinges around uplifting previously marginalized communities including the Albinism community. The organization’s thrust is to put an end to such a ‘social ill’ as we believe ‘Albinism is not a curse’, it is just a different skin pigment.

“Living with Albinism does not disqualify one from enjoying the privileges that are inscribed as human rights,” Mr Mushanawani added.

NetOne’s comprehensive corporate social responsibility strategy focuses on uplifting previously marginalised communities, including those affected by albinism.

The organisation aims to dispel the notion that albinism is a curse, highlighting that it is merely a variation in skin pigment.

The company believes that living with albinism should not disqualify individuals from enjoying the same privileges and rights as others.

In addition to the Gokwe and Gweru campaigns, NetOne has undertaken various awareness initiatives and events throughout the country to strengthen its CSR brand.

These include commemorating International Albinism Awareness Day in different regions, hosting the Mr and Miss Albinism Southern Africa 2023 event, conducting clean-up campaigns, and supporting initiatives in different provinces. Last year, the company celebrated talent and diversity in the Midlands region.

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