CLOSE UP|| ‘Music is Universal and Speaks to All’ – Mashal Matsilele


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The Interview

Acappella gospel music maestro and founder of Firm Faith, Mashal Matsilele, has been spreading the message of hope through music since childhood.

The talented singer has led his group, Firm Faith, for over 20 years, and the award-winning ensemble has released eight albums to date.

Currently, they are working on their ninth album.

With a mission to spread the gospel worldwide, our reporter Rudo Mandiro (RM) recently sat down with Mashal Matsilele (MM) for a wide-ranging interview.

How did you come up with the idea of forming an acappella music group?

Music is universal and speaks to all. Acappella gospel music makes people concentrate more on the words in the song, as our mandate is to change lives through music. My sole mandate was to touch people’s hearts through music. I also believe it’s a calling, as I enjoy singing and know it can be therapy for others. So, I am now a music therapist.

How would you describe your journey in the acappella gospel music genre?

Very difficult. I started off as a student, self-sponsoring, and not working. When I started Firm Faith, people expected a lot from me, but through God’s grace, we managed to overcome many challenges. Sometimes you’re not supported, but you still need to keep singing and producing music. Recording is expensive, but we have eight albums. I’m glad the group is growing; some members are getting married, relocating, and it’s not easy to teach new members songs, but we will keep pushing.

How important is leading a successful gospel group in your personal life?

Firm Faith has changed every aspect of my life. I have many testimonies from people across the globe being blessed with our music. It also helps my character, as I am a role model to many.

As one of the godfathers of acappella music in Zimbabwe, what do you think acappella gospel music lovers need more?

More creativity. Things are hard these days; people need a shoulder to lean on, and our music is that shoulder. Many have asked us to host an acappella music festival, and I assure them it’s in the pipeline.

What message would you tell someone who needs mental and emotional healing?

There is hope in God. God is the greatest healer; just call upon His name, and He will give you all you need. God understands us and does not allow anyone to go through a situation they cannot handle.

As a group, Firm Faith, what are your aspirations?

To spread the word to all generations and change lives through music. Our desire now is a European tour and to establish Firm Faith Music Academy & Studio.

Your concerts, events, and programs are always packed to the brim. What is the secret behind that?

Firstly, it’s a blessing; God has been leading us from day one. Secondly, we work hard and consistently. Lastly, we thank our loyal fans who are always there for us.

Where do you see yourselves in the near future?

Our aim is to become a powerhouse of gospel music, not only in Zimbabwe but globally. We pray God uplifts our ministry so we remain relevant through generations.

As Marshal Matsilele, a guru in acappella music, what are you doing to develop or advance a cappella music in Zimbabwe?

Grooming young people, addressing the needs of people, singing what is relevant, hosting music camps, producing quality music and video production, and teaching music.

As a group, what do you urgently need?

We urgently need a commuter omnibus, as mobility is a significant challenge. We also need a public address system, as hiring is too costly. We are looking for partners for our upcoming ninth album launch.

How can we reduce or end drug and substance abuse among youth and young adults?

We say no to drugs and substance abuse. We intend to do a countrywide awareness campaign on drug substance abuse as Firm Faith. We have worked with many young people, and majority are doing well in life. We hope to continue impacting good character.

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