Chaos Erupts as Renegade ZANU-PF Youth Leader Zvomuya Doubles Down on Defiance After Bail Release


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DT Correspondent in Shamva

In a shocking display of political defiance, Zvomuya, a controversial figure within the ruling ZANU-PF party in Mashonaland Central has vowed to defy a court order and stage an unsanctioned demonstration just a day after being granted bail, putting him on a direct collision course with President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s administration.

Immediately following his release from custody, Zvomuya and his militant group, led by DCC Chairman Orbert Muchemwa, District Chairman Tongai Mazwienzara, and Ward Councillor Ernst Manyara, descended upon the Shamva Country Club, where they held an unauthorized meeting to plan a protest against the Mines Ministry’s decision to evict them from Element Minerals which they intend to grab.

The brazen actions of Zvomuya and his cohorts directly challenge President Mnangagwa’s strict ban on unsanctioned demonstrations, raising concerns about the provinces’s stability and the potential for further unrest.

Shockingly, the meeting was also attended by Shem Zerura and his brother Clemence, both of whom are out on bail for a murder case and are currently wanted for the heinous violence that occurred on July 18, 2024.

“The meeting agreed to stage the demonstration,” a source who attended the gathering revealed, painting a disturbing picture of a province that appears to be defying the President and the entire government.

Zvomuya’s actions come on the heels of a violent incident last month, where his gang left 46 people injured after gunshots were fired at the Element Minerals Mine in Shamva, following clashes over an alleged illegal mine takeover.

The renegade ZANU-PF leader is accused of using the name of President Mnangagwa to justify his alleged mine grab, a move that has drawn the ire of the authorities.

“The DDC Chairman Muchemwa vowed to defy any Mines decision as long as it does not benefit their group,” the source added, further highlighting the brazen disregard for the rule of law and the government’s directives.

As the situation continues to unfold, the province of Mashonaland Central finds itself at the centre of a growing political crisis, with Zvomuya and his allies seemingly intent on defying the President and the law, putting the stability of the province at risk

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