Govt Accelerates Finalisation of Mines Bill


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DT Correspondent

The Zimbabwean government is working towards finalizing the amendment to the Mines and Minerals Bill.

The aim is to ensure that the law is in line with the country’s constitution and effectively addresses the current challenges faced in the mining sector.

Speaking during the 4th Quarter Gold Mobilisation Deployment Workshop held in the capital on Monday, Mines and Mining Development Minister Zhemu Soda emphasised the Government’s commitment to prioritising the finalisation of the Mines and Minerals Amendment Bill.

“Government intends to finalise amendments to the Mines and Minerals Act as matter of urgency. As highlighted by His Excellency, the President during SONA, finalization the Mines and Minerals Amendment Bill will be highly prioritized,”

President Emmerson Mnangagwa also stressed the importance of expediting the conclusion of the bill during the opening session of the tenth Parliament.

He highlighted that several bills, including the Mines and Minerals Amendment Bill, needed to be concluded within the first session of the Parliament.

The crafting of the Mines and Minerals Amendment Bill is still underway.

However, the parliamentary legal committee expressed concerns that the bill would violate the country’s constitution in several aspects.

As a result, the bill underwent further consultations and revisions by Parliament and the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development.

Public scrutiny and stakeholder consultations were conducted in February of this year by the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Mines across the country.

The proposed amendments have faced criticism for their failure to incorporate community representation, leading to unsustainable mining practices.

he primary objectives of the bill are to repeal the existing mining law and adapt to changes in the mining sector over the past decade.

It aims to address challenges affecting the sector and its value chain.

Key provisions include the recognition of artisanal and small-scale miners, transparency in licensing, devolution of mining sector administration, equitable mining fees across provinces and local authorities, and addressing environmental, health, and safety concerns.

In addition, the bill emphasizes the need for local communities to benefit from the finite resources extracted through the mining industry. It also addresses issues related to corporate social responsibility, environmental protection, mine closure plans, and exclusive prospecting orders, among other matters.

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