Illegal Land Allocation Scandal Spills into Court


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DT Correspondent

Harare: –  A scandal involving illegal land allocation in Kuwadzana suburb has spilled into the courts, as the alleged culprits, Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) Harare Ward 44 Councillor Adonia Shoko and Zanu PF losing candidate for Kuwadzana West, Mauka Tauya, face legal action.

The duo has been accused of colluding to defraud home-seekers by facilitating illegal land allocations in the area.

The case is now at the High Court, where it has been revealed that the accused have lost the legal battle.

An order has been issued to the Sheriff to demolish the illegal structures that were constructed as a result of the misrepresentation by Shoko, Tauya, and their associates, namely Philip Mwanawasauka, Brenda Joramu, and Arnold Ngandu.

A copy of the High Court order obtained by our correspondent states,

“Plaintiff’s claim against the Defendants is for an order that the Defendants, and all those claiming occupation through them, vacate from a property known as Remainder of Parkridge Lot 2, also known as site plan TPX/WR/01/23, Kuwadzana Harare together with all their goods and chattels, within seven (7) days from the date of service of this order, failing which, the Sheriff shall demolish any structures erected by the Defendants on the aforesaid property and eject the Defendants aforesaid together with all persons claiming occupation through them from the said property pursuant to the Defendants’ illegal invasion of the aforesaid property.”

According to an inside source, the two politicians allegedly used funds obtained from the illegal land allocation to finance their recent political campaigns.

The source further claimed that Shoko has a history of disregarding council procedures.

It has been alleged that both the CCC councillor and the Zanu PF losing MP ignored a council resolution that strictly prohibited the regularisation of illegal settlements.

The resolution, along with recommendations from the joint environmental and housing committee, called for the demolition of the aforementioned illegal stands.

“The stands in question were supposed to be demolished according to a circular issued by the Kuwadzana District Coordinator and the physical planning department of the Ministry of Local Government,” added the anonymous source.

A disillusioned resident from the Kuwadzana suburb criticized the Zanu PF losing MP, accusing him of being a serial land baron.

The resident alleged that Tauya had been involved in numerous land scandals in the past, which contributed to his defeat in the recent elections.

“Many Zanu PF party members accuse him of collaborating with the opposition through his association with Shoko,” the resident claimed.

As the court battle unfolds, the illegal land allocation scandal continues to raise concerns about corruption and the disregard for proper procedures in land management.

Further accusations are that the two have erected a boom gate at the place where home-seekers who want to view their stands have to fork out US$10 as entry fee.

This reporter has since established that the place was earmarked for residential stands for Harare City Council workers.

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